For the second post in the Created to Create series, I had the privilege of hanging out with Molly Grounds, owner of Created Bracelets. Molly is an incredible woman!! I met her at a Bible Study a few months ago and knew instantly that she is passionately in love with the Lord.
Molly is an artist who makes custom, unique jewelry. She is known for creating bracelets with hand-stamped words of encouragement and truth, but her business has recently expanded into rings as well - and I can't wait to see what's next! I am not only obsessed with the jewelry she makes, but also her heart for spreading His truth through each piece.

Tell me about when you very first started making jewelry.
I have been making jewelry for as long as I can remember. I’ve always had a passion for creating unique jewelry pieces and bracelets in particular. I remember as a little girl making pins, necklaces and bracelets out of whatever I could find around the house. In fact I think my mom still has a pin I made her out of paper clips. Only a mom could love that right?
When my own daughters were little girls they always had the sweetest sterling silver bracelets and necklaces that I created especially for them and their friends. These carry such special and sweet memories for both me and my girls. It’s fun to listen to them recall the fun they had helping me shop for supplies. They always had such a good time watching and “helping” me make them as well.
When did you begin making jewelry again? And how was it different this time?
Wow this is such a great question, and when I think back on it I guess I never really stopped making jewelry. I’ve always just loved to craft and create. My family will be all to happy to tell you that I’m always working on some new project. However, It wasn’t until recently that I felt the Lord calling me to combine my love and passion for the power of words with my love and passion for bracelets.

What is the ordering process like?
Often times our customers will choose a special word, name, date or scripture verse that they would like stamped on their bracelet. Other times they will ask us to prayerfully consider a word for them. In this case my daughter helps to pray for these words. This has been such a blessing and so sweet, as time and time again we have been told just how much these words are bringing peace, encouragement and comfort to our customers. Each piece is hand stamped and custom created.
No two bracelets are exactly alike or perfectly stamped and I truly believe this adds to the charm and character that each piece carries. Hand stamping reminds me, that we too are uniquely created and loved by the Lord. I love how through the ordering process I am able to chat with my customers via email or text.
One of the things that brings me the greatest joy is that I am blessed to pray for my customers as I create their bracelets. I’ve had the pleasure of praying for brides-to-be and their bridesmaids, friends, husbands, wives, mothers, daughters, grandmothers, and more!

Tell me about an order that stood out to you.
I have a passion for creating rings and bracelets from vintage sterling silver flatware pieces. I recently had a sweet customer give me some pieces of her grandma’s sterling silver flatware. She asked me to create bracelets and rings that she could then pass down to her grand daughters on their future wedding day. This literally brings me tears of joy.

What is the mission behind Created Bracelets and how has the Lord moved through your business?
I’m very passionate about our identity from a Kingdom perspective! It brings me such joy to remind a person that their truest identity is found in the Lord. It’s incredible to me that a single word chosen in love and/or prayerfully considered can carry such a powerful reminder of just who the Lord says we are.
It’s been such a beautiful thing to hear the different testimonies and ways the Lord is using Created to speak life over and encourage so many. My heart’s desire for Created is to glorify the Lord and for his children to know and feel his unconditional love. I will never tire of hearing someone tell me how simply looking down and seeing that special word on their bracelet reminds them of just who they are and what they carry.

Check out what customers are saying about Created Bracelets!
"I have several Created Bracelets and I love them so much because they were uniquely made for me! One of them was a gift from a friend. It means the world to me that my friend intentionally prayed over what word to have stamped on the bracelet. I also have one stamped with my new last name which is so special to me because it represents beginning a family with my husband. My bracelets are more than jewelry, they are a piece of my heart!" - Lyndsey

"To say I love my bracelets would be a huge understatement! I have six Created bracelets and each holds a vastly different meaning, from the word stamped to the prayers prayed. I’m honored to be able to be friends with Molly, to wear these bracelets, and am excited to share the meaning behind them when people ask. Plus, the best part?! I’ve had them on since the moment I’ve gotten them! I never have to be without my beautiful bracelets!" - Bitty

To check out Created Bracelets or to place an order, check out Molly's website and Instagram: